Monday, February 9, 2009

United Boardgamers start their hard work

Hi all boardgamers

I presume this is the very first inter-Baltic boardgaming blog that has been created this far. We try to bring You all we can see and hear about the boardgames in our little countries, trying to cover all three - Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Let's see how we'll manage...

I don't know what's the situation in other Baltic countries but in Estonia the boardgaming keeps growing and what can we do.... boardgames are cool and expand our imagination. So what else to do with them but play.

What else can I say? Let's get on with it :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi my boardgamer friend from Estonia. You have me to help you with news and games played in Lithuania. I hope this blog doesn't go to waste.

    What else can I say? Let's get on with it :)
